L2T Dryland Workshop - Oct 27-29
/When: October 27-28-29 (combination of virtual and in-person)
Where: Saskatoon, SK
Facilitator: Andrew Brisbin
Workshop Fee: $75
Competition Coaching Introduction (L2T)
The CCI (L2T) program provides tools and develops skills that a coach can use to: (1) create a fun, team-oriented environment that will motivate children to achieve their personal goals in sport and develop a lifelong interest in the fitness and health benefits of cross-country skiing; and (2) deliver a well-rounded sport program with an emphasis on skill development to children nine to 12 years of age (the L2T stage of development).
The NCCP L2T (Dryland) Workshop is the third step in the NCCP coach education program. Coaches are taught about developmental age, physical literacy, team building, making ethical decisions, athletic components (aerobic fitness, speed, etc.), nutrition, how to design their own sport program, adventure-based activities (year-round), roller-skiing and planning a practice.
Prerequisite: NCCP Community Coaching
NOTE: The course requires a minimum of 6 participants. Please email Alana Ottenbreit (ccs@sasktel.net) by Saturday, October 1st to express your interest in taking this workshop.