Facility Grant Application Form
The Facility Grant funds provide qualified clubs with additional dollars to expand their club. This could include a physical building, facility expansion, or acquiring materials or equipment.
A. At least 50% self-help is required.
B. The maximum grant available is $3,500.00.
C. Follow-up (required):
Complete a report and provide CCS with receipts for the specified project.
Publish an article detailing the project in your local media.
Write an article (including pictures) for Nordic News and/or the CCS newsletter describing your project.
D. Labour costs are not eligible.
E. Grants for a single piece of equipment will only be supported in one year.
F. One-time grants larger than $3,500.00 will be considered for exceptional circumstances.
G. Grants of up to $7,500.00 for a major piece of equipment (such as a snowmobile) may be provided once every 5 years, provided the above criteria are met.
H. Retroactive funding is allowed for items purchased or work done in the previous 12 months. The club can only apply for either retroactive funding or for a project to be completed in the next 12 months, not both.
I. Clubs will receive 50% of the grant upon review and approval of the application. The remaining 50% will be awarded upon completion and receipt of the required Follow-Up Report (see point C).
J. The deadline for your application is: AUGUST 31st, 2024.